Monday 26 December 2016

Blogmas Day 25 - Christmas Message!

Blogmas Day 25!

Hey, I’m not even going to try and control my excitement. AHHHHHHHHHH, ITS CHRISTMAS. Ok, now I have calmed down (not really) I just want to say that I hope you all have an amazing Christmas Day. And just remember that amongst all the chaos and craziness to cherish the time you are spending with your family and friends and just smile because you are most probably so much luckier than so many people!! So have an incredible Christmas, eat tons of food, open and give presents, tell cheesy jokes, pull crackers, listen to Christmas music and have yourself a very merry Christmas...

I hope you enjoy Christmas this year. Let me know of anything you would like me to talk about in another future post. That’s all for now,

Bella xxx

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