Thursday 15 December 2016

Blogmas Day 15 - Top 5 Christmas Films

Blogmas Day 15

Hey, so one of my very favourite things about Christmas is all the Christmassy movies you get to watch so today I thought I would share with you my top 5 Christmas films:

Disney’s A Christmas Carol – so this is a new favourite of mine, I think the reason I like it so much is because I absolutely love Disney films and I just love how well done this film is, but what I love about this film is that it is such a fun, amazing, family fun movie and it really does just makes you feel so good and this is defiantly my favourite version of this film even though a muppets Christmas carol is a very close second.

The Grinch – so this is probably one of the most famous and is probably one of the most well-known Christmas films of all time and to be honest this is an absolute classic film for Christmas, I also think that one of the reasons I love this is because I really love the actor Jim Carrey and I feel this movie is just hilarious and adorable and it makes me feel so happy inside but this overall is just such a great family Christmas film.

Arthur Christmas – so I just love how this film puts a nice original spin on the classic stories of the classic Father Christmas but I just love how the character is so warm hearted and just wants everyone to have a wonderful Christmas and I just think that is so sweet and it really embodies what Christmas should be all about and I think that’s why it’s such a perfect movie to watch with people for Christmas.

Elf – so I don’t really know anyone who just isn’t in love with this film because it is just the funniest film ever and I think that what I think is so good about this film is that I just love the plot of the film and I just think with everything about this film is so great like the way it was done and the actors especially Will Ferrell because he is just such a legendary actor and to be honest he just makes a good movie great.

Love Actually – so this is definitely my favourite Christmas film of all time, basically this is just my favourite thing to watch of all time and I would watch it every day of the year because I feel like it is just one of the most feel good movies in the entire world, and when I watch three things will happen I squeal with excitement, I cry and I just want to be in the film but I cannot even explain to you how amazing this film is.

I hope you enjoyed this and let me know what your favourite films for Christmas are. Let me know of anything you would like me to talk about in another future post. That’s all for now,

Bella xxx

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